Passing By

I’ve really missed the simple act of wandering around and Seeing Stuff.  I’ve been in a Seeing Stuff drought ever since a.) J and I started carpooling downtown together for work and b.) We moved to Gentilly, removing even the luxury of just taking a streetcar home if I decided I felt like it.  Both…

Watch Your Step!

New Orleans can be a pretty dangerous place sometimes.  I mean, we flood out during rainstorms and sometimes you gotta watch your back when you’re out and around.  And one afternoon maybe a building will suddenly fall apart and collapse when you’re walking past it.  But in addition to all our glorious lunacy, you also…

Wizarding at 40

Oh my gods, y’all…I turned 40 today! FORTY!!! When I turned 30, a decade ago (holy crap), my friends got me a Harry Potter cake. Apparently, the salesperson at the grocery store looked at them askance when they told them how old I was. They probably thought they were decorating a cake for an 11…

A Day at the Aquarium (Or, Spirit Critters, Galore!)

Last weekend, I got to pining something fierce for the beach.  Waves in my face, sand in my butt, the whole thing.  So J and I talked briefly about driving a short way to the Gulf Coast for a day and I got all excited…but then the next morning I decided to postpone that idea…

The Way Home, #3

It’s hot.  I mean, really hot.  It’s so hot that when you step from the shade across that Great Divide into the spot where the sun hits the pavement, you just wanna shrivel up.  Except that you can’t shrivel up because the humidity plumps you back out again. It’s the kind of hot that makes…

When Nature Calls

When nature calls…you listen. I’m not talking about that moment where you’re sitting comfortably at a table in a pub, drinking pints, and suddenly all that fine liquid barley catches up and you suddenly REALLY have to pee and end up forfeiting a great conversation for a mad dash to the loo. Although you should…

The Fruit Stakes at Dawn

Omigod, y’all! The Saga continues. Since my last ponderings about the Strange Fruits on Fence-Posts, I have been actively searching for further specimens. To no avail. This summer has been a slow season for Fence Fruit, I can tell you. All these wrought iron fences, and nary a fruit to be found. Fences, fences, everywhere,…

Halfway to Mardi Gras

When I last left my fearless reader, I was suddenly approached with a Decision. To go to a parade, or to (gasp!) miss a parade?  What a cliffhanger. J and I mulled it over for about 20 minutes (maybe half an hour) before making our final decision. We had already programmed ourselves into the mindset…

The Way Home, #2

My brain is totally full right now.  Last Sunday morning I awoke and, sitting out on the porch listening to the birds do their morning things, two ideas for books came to me suddenly, in a massive spontaneous BAM of Muse visit and my brain has been totally full ever since.  I’d been waiting for…