Plague Days: Geaux Away

Those last days downtown before we were all WFH were bizarre.  It is just as fascinating as it is terrifying, being right in the middle of a Huge Change, a shift in the collective reality.  This was actually happening, this virus-induced retreat to our homes, and I was watching it happen live and in person….

Plague Days: Home Work

I haven’t worn shoes in 6 days. I work barefoot.  I run around the house barefoot.  I do all my gardening barefoot. I also just had to count back to the last time I left my house, in order to determine how long it’s been since I wore shoes.  What day even IS it?  It’s…

Plague Days: Standing on the Neutral Ground

A couple of days after Shit Got Weird, I was downtown and at work as usual.  We were up to our necks in Business Continuity Planning, wrangling all of those things that the company had to do in the background to ensure we could start minimizing employee presence in the office while attempting to keep…

Plague Days: When Shit Got Weird

Of course. Of course it would take a worldwide pandemic to get my ass back on this blog. It’s funny (and gross now) to think that, just a month-ish ago, it was Mardi Gras day.  The whole city, for a few weeks running, was united side by side (or on top of each other) carousing…

Jazz Hall

The crazy-ass Bostonian Irish bouncer outside the bar on Chartres St. was hollering at passing tourists when we approached.  I guess “hawking” would be the actual term for it, really, but his base nature and style made it more like hollering.  Invitational hollering, to be exact.  “Come hear live music!  See the Green Fairy!  Come…

FQ Friday: Witches!

It goes without saying that I’m witchy every day.  But man, days like today?  I’m ALL THE WITCH Y’ALL. Today is Friday the 13th.  Auspicious and lucky for me, always, but even better this go ’round because we also get a full harvest moon to go with it.  Like a huge magical glowing cherry on…

X Marks the Anniversary

If you drive or walk or trip or amble around New Orleans long enough, you start to notice something. A common something, a something that lies consistent among all neighborhoods and in all parts of town.  That something is the Katrina X. The Katrina X is everywhere. Those urban search and rescue markings…are everywhere.  Still. …

Passing By

I’ve really missed the simple act of wandering around and Seeing Stuff.  I’ve been in a Seeing Stuff drought ever since a.) J and I started carpooling downtown together for work and b.) We moved to Gentilly, removing even the luxury of just taking a streetcar home if I decided I felt like it.  Both…

FQ Friday: Stealing Back the Streets

Sometimes, in the French Quarter, the ghosts and the vampires and the voodoo queens and the many pasts and histories of this city will rise up and swirl and eddy around you like a small spiritual tropical storm…and that magical intensity can knock the air out of you and will absolutely solidify the fact that…