Greetings From Gotham

So, our Mardi Gras season got even more full this past week than when I wrote about it last time.  This past week, we were prompted by friends to go to the 610 Stomper Superball, and we got a hookup on tickets, and so we went. And THEN, my house guests for the first weekend…

Whereupon It All BEGINS

Hail! The Twelve Days of Christmas have come and gone, and upon that Partridge’s last resounding squawk from the boughs of its Pear Tree, Twelfth Night emerged upon us and, at long LAST, that most glorious of seasons began, the season that inspires one to truly and fully realize what a delightfully weird and incredible…


My goodness.  I just realized. January 5, 2012.  Denver.  Snow.  Desire to DO SOMETHING of my own.  Saving to move.  Craving to write. I can’t believe that was three years ago, already.  What a wild ride it has all been, since.  Thanks to all of you who have been Reading this Ride.  For THREE YEARS. …

Winter Blush

MAN, was it cold last Friday night. I’m talking go-outside-and-instantly-lose-feeling-in-your-hands cold. Bitter-damp-wind-swirling-off-the-river-soaking-into-your-bones-and-soul COLD! But when J and I walked into Generations Hall at 9:00 that night, I warmed right up, inside and out. It was that time of year again! Time to Blush with the Pussyfooters, at Blush Ball 2015. It’s funny – last year,…