Old Bull Lee’s House

 “We bounced the car up on the Algiers Ferry and found ourselves crossing the Mississippi River by boat. ‘Now we must all get out and dig the river and the people and smell the world,’ said Dean…” (On the Road, Part 2, Chapter 6) I’ve always lived where Jack Kerouac has been. I didn’t plan…

Recap 1: The Last Days of Colorado

*BVoooooM!* That is the sound I keep hearing in my head, now that I am back online.  You know, that “Ham Radio Coming Back On the Air, Pump Up the Volume Style” sort of sound. Hello world, greetings from Louisiana.  As I write this, I am drinking an Abita Jockamo IPA and am at the…

Sleepily Deprived

Spring Break is at present officially on the very tippy-top of my list of Things I Hate.  I know, “hate” is a strong word, but when you’re as stressed/excited/running full steam/exhausted as I have been of late, “hate” doesn’t feel nearly strong *enough.*  I’m not entirely certain just when  I became an old fuddy duddy…don’t get me…

Things One Sees When Walkin’ the Dawg

It is typically rare that I have either my camera or my phone with me when I take Toby out for his walks in the park next to our apartment building.  Not enough pockets to juggle a photo-taking device, my building keys, pooperscooper bags, AND the dawg himself!  Last Friday, though, I DID have my phone…

Misty Day, Reflections

Wednesday finds me in a better mindset, regarding the Vibe thang that had me in such an emotional dither yesterday.  I went home after work and, after having a decent cry on J over a couple of cardboard boxes, we had a chat about all of that, and the various philosophies of grief.  It is…

Meanwhile…Hey Look, More Street Art!

The signs of imminent change are beginning to sprout forth, in several different ways.  There are emerging blank spots in our apartment, where things used to be but are now all packed up.  THAT will become ever more the case, starting this weekend, now that we have the Massive Pile of Boxes at our disposal. …

A Week’s Miscellany

Last night, I found myself sitting in a meeting room among a group of people with whom I was employed, but that I do not actually know.  The meeting table was an ovular streamlined design, the walls half cherry wood, half exposed brick.  It was at once professional, and artsy.  We were, from what I gathered,…

Poets Row

Eleven days ago or so, I proclaimed that I would soon purposefully reroute myself during one of my many roamings in order to walk up Sherman St. The purpose of this was to revisit Poets Row and the Arkhamesque-looking apartment building.  True to my word, I actually did, not too long after I said I…

Snapshots of Normal

The Everyday.  Everyone has this, the everyday.  Those routines they follow, those things they do, what they walk past, what they see…those elements of every single day that become so commonplace that they scarcely get noticed after a while. I had already been thinking, lately, of the Everyday, but now that J has an interview coming…