Thought Bubbles

The one thing you never want to do when you’re actually trying to better promote your blog is NOT update it on a regular basis.  Bad on me!  Time flies, and it has been busy.  And, in and around the busy, I’ve been tired from being so busy and therefore doing things like reading books and forcing myself to not be busy.

So, here’s a quick recap of What Has Been Going On.  The run-on sentences are free of charge, this time.

Mid-September, I had the pleasure of hosting a really good friend of mine from Colorado, who was down here for a Roller Derby Bout.  It was SO good to see her and I was in awe, once again, of the closeness of the relationships that I have in CO…that I could go for two years without seeing someone and pick up like I just saw that person the very day before.  So incredible.  Anyway, her team was Project Mayhem, and being very huge Fight Club fans, J and I made shirts and supported the CO gals and I was exposed to the Joys of Derby and am now completely in love.  More about that in a more focused post, because they deserve one.

Right after that, it was back to work and I’ve been really focused there lately, which drains me like a vampire on crack.

At the end of THAT week, I finally spent some one-on-one time with my writerly Pussyfooter sponsor, L.  SO awesome, I feel like I have a new soul-sister.  We came up with this idea for a play, so we’re co-writing that together while being crazy with everything else.

The following weekend, I turned 38 (GASP!) and spent the weekend pirating and running around with the folks.  On the day out with the folks, we purchased a myriad of voodoo dolls representing each big football team we could get our hands on.  Last weekend, the doll work was very effective.  Last night against the Cowboys?  NOT so much.

Then it was back to focused Crack-Vampire work again.  It’s been good, albeit draining.  10-hour nonstop days!

This past weekend, I joined soul-sister L at a meeting to discuss starting a new Marching Club, which is ridiculously exciting.  More on that as things progress.  (I spent some time last night researching green body suits and that’s all I’m saying right now.)  After the meeting she and I went out on the town, so to speak.  And I was validated, after turning 38, to meet some very smart and intelligent Loyola MBA students who initially pegged me for being 27.

In and around marching clubs and work and friends, I’ve been researching material for my Herbology class, to be taught at Avistrum at the end of October in Colorado, and spending most Friday evenings doing Skype rehearsals for that same show.

And now I’ve got Halloween costuming on the brain and picked up the Stuff I need for that this past weekend so I can get crackin’ on building it.  More on that later, too, because I want to document the process.  I spent the rest of this most recent weekend puttering around the house and trying to NOT be busy because I needed the downtime.

I always feel guilty in the back of my head when I decide to be Un-Busy.  Psychological downfall of yours truly.

And all of THAT leads up to this week, whereupon I continue my Mad Work Pace and prepare to go in at 6:30 in the morning on Friday and have Nose Surgery.  NOT a Nose Job, thankyouverymuch.  But I have a deviated septum and a bone spur thereupon which has, for almost a year, caused Ye Olde Snot to NOT drain from the right side of my nose.  Which has caused sinus issues, and stopped-up ringing in the good old right ear, and some epic headaches and I’m OVER it so bring it on.

Thus, Friday, I shall go forth to be knocked out.  Then a laser shall be stuck up my nose for various purposes.  And then I shall wake up and go home and spend the following three days on the couch, recovering.  This will force me into an extended period of downtime, for which I am, admittedly, grateful.  Because, you see, I’ll have a reason NOT to be busy, so I won’t feel guilty about it.

My Nose Doc let me take a photo of my CT Scan, the day I went in for that consultation.  You can see how f*ck*d up my nose is, in the image, for sure.  But, after processing THAT, all I could see was YEARS of fun and illustrative images of Thought Bubbles.  Because my brain-space, in this image, is completely blank.  The images will evolve as I mess with things in Photoshop instead of insta-graphic online tools, but here is the first one ever, done on the fly in my manic goal to bust out a blog post before Gotham comes on.


And that is that.  I’ll go quiet until later on because I anticipate a busy week culminating in a hurty nose and many a nap under the influence of my doc’s generously-prescribed pain meds.

Love to all.  See you on the other side of the Nose Laser!


4 Comments Add yours

  1. bayoucreole says:

    Sending healing energies your way Sooz! And let me know if you all decide to start a new marching club. I’d love to join! 🙂

    1. Thank you, BC! And I’ll message you on facebook about the club info. It’s gonna happen!

  2. Wanderlust Scarlett says:

    Well good luck on the surgery! It looks like you do need the down time, but I have a feeling you’ll put it all to very good use, as much as you can while you are down, as much as you may be down.
    All the hints of things to come are so exciting! I can’t wait to hear them all!

  3. I think your thought bubbles are going through about a hundred miles an hour! You have a lot on your mind, however, can tell it by your post!

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